Monday, May 21, 2012

Racer Chicks

As it has been hopefully well documented, competing at the highest level in ski racing without the support of the national governing body can be challenging. Athletes put in this position compete not only on the slopes but off, as they are forced to raise funds, budget, schedule effective training blocks, prepare physically, manage a race schedule and coordinate intents with the USST, and of course perform on the race hill, all on their own.

Last week newly crowned ex-US Teamers Hailey Duke, Megan McJames, and NCAA standout Katie Hartman joined forces to create an elite female training group with Aspen Valley Ski Club. Hailey and Megan competed on the World Cup circuit last season while Katie finished up her collegiate career with CU. I spoke with Katie a little bit between runs at US Nationals about her decision to dive in headfirst to the world of post-collegiate skiing, and while she didn’t have all of the details worked out at the time she was certainly sure about wanting to build off of her collegiate career and continue racing. Hailey also mentioned at the Mammoth Invitation that something like this might be in the works, and while she and Megan are coming from the other end of spectrum of being told ‘no’ by the Ski Team after so many years of ‘yes’, I was impressed that her passion to compete was still as high as ever.

From someone already camped out in the trenches, I hope their group kicks ass this year and wish them the best of luck. I am willing to bet that their view of ski racing will be a little different by the end of the season, for better or worse. I can promise logistical issues and hopefully not too many funding problems, but all these issues pale in comparison to the goal. As in the rest of life, the journey is just as important as the destination. Like when someone borrows your car, treats it like a rally mobile, blogs about it, and even when you think everything has been put back it turns out the car needs its second alignment in 5,000 miles (yes Warner, that just happened). So much to look forward to!

 You can “Like” their Facebook page here.

Monday, May 7, 2012

POC does OBX

POC has a great trip each spring to Outer Banks for a little sun, surf, and sail. The guest list is a wide group of those from the ski and action sports community, from POC athletes to regional and national reps of various companies to the director and instructors from the Aspen ski school. Some of the world's best kitesurfers were on hand as well, probably to make sure that none of the winter athletes in the group actually thought they were good at getting out on the surf. A couple of base jumpers were on hand well, rounding out the motley crew. I was lucky enough to get down there for a couple of days, and although the knee prevented me getting onto any kiteboards, I was able to do a bunch of swimming and some saltwater rehab. This is the last of my end-of-season trips, but maybe the best. Thanks to Willie Ford and Jarka Duba for making this happen, I now have another reason to rehab so I can get out on a kite!

Day at the beach
GoPro/POC skydiving event at REAL Watersports
A little live blues at REAL Watersports pre-skydivers
Pro Snowboarder and his one-year old Bali, rocking outfits at the "8 bucks or less from the souvenir store" costume party
Pic with Erin Sullivan, former POC rep and the woman behind this trip

Another sunset kite session